What’s on Offer?
Core Value Fitness is a 24/7 equipment-based gym. This means you have the freedom to work out your way, at your own pace, and whenever you choose.
But that doesn’t mean you’re all on your own! Whether you prefer a fully tailored personal program, a group training session, or even just some company while you work out. We have got you sorted!
Membership Options
One size doesn’t fit all, that’s why we can definitely offer you access to the gym but is that going to be enough to get you across the line? Explore more by viewing our options that give you all the access to the facility.
24/7 Access Membership
We are a 24/7 access gym first and foremost; the marvel of technology allows everyone to open the door with their fob, the lights come on via sensor, crank the tunes and hit your workout!
The brilliance of this means members can come and go as they please. There isn’t a set time they need to be there. Roll in after a lazy Sunday morning, come in after night shift, train when you have a sitter available. Come in ANY time day or night.
This level of membership is perfect for anyone that has any gym experience and confidence training or is willing to work darn hard at having a crack! Make no mistake this does not mean less value for money. Our facility has an amazing atmosphere, world-class equipment and our members are the best you can find!
If you are a complete beginner that’s A-okay; we have your back. Please check out our support options so you won’t feel overwhelmed, and we can teach you the basics, and build your confidence before stepping into the gym alone.
We have several 24/7 membership and payment options. Our direct debit plans allow you to pay fortnightly and cancel with a small notification period. Or if you prefer not to fuss with bank payments you can pay upfront for a fixed term.
Suits – Intermediate to Advanced
Support Level
Hybrid Membership
Our favourite membership option that incorporates all the benefits of 24/7 access with the accountability and ongoing support of an online personal trainer; the point of difference here compared to a traditional online coach is that you will see your PT once a month!
Includes initial movement assessment and goal setting, personalised exercise programming, monthly face-to-face session, nutrition support, monthly infrared sauna, progress tracking and review plus all the accountability, help, support and confidence that comes with teamwork.
If you are not 100% confident you will achieve success on your own; then investing in a hybrid option is worthwhile.
Suits – Beginner and Intermediate
Support Level
Personal Training Packages
During the first 4 months of having a gym membership, it is essential to establish a consistent attendance routine. This habit sets you up to succeed. Unfortunately, lack of attendance during this time is often due to low confidence, fear of being judged, worried others will look at them, not knowing what to do and lack of support. These are the real reasons beginners quit the gym.
We don’t want this to be you. We want you to love the gym as much as we do. It is our second (sometimes first) home and with a little guidance and support we know you can find your gym groove.
We have personal trainers to help you get started, keep you accountable, and teach you the exercises that are needed.
Asking for help from those with knowledge and experience is a smart and sure-fire way to get you on the path to your goal. We genuinely care and want you to achieve your goals.
Hybrid Membership
If you’re after flexibility to vary your training times but also prefer a little help with your health and fitness journey; our unique hybrid system takes your experience to the next level when adding a coach to your membership package.
Weekly PT sessions may not suit your lifestyle or work schedule but you know to get results you need to be held accountable. Armed with an exercise program that is specific to your body, goal and fitness level you will build confidence in the gym because you know that EVERYTHING in your plan has been advised under consideration specifically for you.
Your coach will build a plan that gives direction surrounding exercise selection, frequency, duration, and intensity plus they will teach you on the gym floor how to perform them all so you reduce injury risk and get the most out of your training.
Includes initial movement assessment and goal setting, personalised exercise programming, monthly face-to-face session, nutrition support, monthly infrared sauna, progress tracking and review plus all the accountability, help, support and confidence that comes with teamwork.
Suits – Beginner to Intermediate
Support Level
Personal Training
Personal trainers do more that count repetitions. We are here to provide you with the tools you need to achieve your results and guide you along the way.
We will treat you as an individual; your exercise program is always well thought out and written to your goals, physical capabilities and injuries. We will address any roadblocks that come up and change direction when needed. However we aren’t your parent; you need to commit to showing up for yourself and be driven to achieve your goal. We can show you the way and the rest is up to you.
There are many PT packages available and we can guide you as to what option will get you the results you want.
We offer initial programs to get you started or one on one weekly sessions plus our Hybrid and group sessions.
Please reach out to discuss and we will find your best fit.
Suits – Beginner to Intermediate
Support Level
Group Personal Training
ascend Group PT
Our premium personal training package; a very popular and affordable PT option; so popular our members join and don’t leave! Training with others is a fun way to stay motivated.
Not only will you get 24/7 access to the gym you’ll have up to 3 supervised group strength sessions a week, Saturday core and conditioning, PLUS a monthly Infrared sauna session. There’s 17 session times to chose from!
Monday to Friday 5am and 6am
Monday to Thursday 6.15pm
Saturday Core and Conditioning 8am
Monday and Wednesday Circuit session 9am
There is a maximum of 10 people in this group so your coach will have time to supervise and encourage everyone plus be able to make individual tweaks and adaptions around limitations and injury.
We run a seasonal block split into 2 programs. This gives your body (and your mind) time to adapt and grow but the change each month means your body won’t adapt so much you stop seeing results.
This is amazing for beginners through to the experienced gym goer that want structure and accountability.
Suits – Beginner To Intermediate
Support Level
Teens Group PT
The gym can be a daunting place for adults to join. If we teach our kids the Foundations of gym training in a safe environment they keep this knowledge with them as they grow; and then as adults that feel comfortable and confident in the gym.
Foundations is a small group PT session for teens that Leonie has been holding with great success for over 8 years. At 16 years old kids can join the gym as full members and go on their own; what we notice is that the kids that have been through the Foundations program have a high success rate in the gym because they know what to do, they move confidently around the gym and they train safely with good technique because they have been taught correctly from the beginning.
Foundations is suitable for all kids including the driven super sporty, kids that find team sports too fast paced and overwhelming, NDIS participants and those that just want that bit of extra fitness.
Each teen has an initial appointment so we have a better understanding of their goal and their physical condition and capacity. This information is used to design an exercise program specific for them. Someone wanting to be better at basketball will have different goals to someone that just wants to improve overall health.
During their PT session they are taught how to collect equipment, how to move with correct form, the speed they should move at, how many rep and sets, how to know when to stop etc.
We run the class during school term but not on public holidays or student free days. Mid term intakes are welcome.
Suits – Beginner to Intermediate
Support Level
Group Sessions
Strength For Life
Specifically designed for those over 50, Strength For Life is a COTA initiative (www.cota.org.au/australia) designed to be a cost effective way for older people to improve strength, balance, core, and mobility. After having an initial screening appointment you will join your class and perform exercises that are specific to your goals.
Classes run for an hour and are supervised by a qualified trainer who will guide you through group warm ups, help you make progress with your exercises and ensures you are doing everything correctly and safely.
Initial program $45, classes $115 for 10 or $60 for 5.
Classes run at 7am, 9.30am, or 10.45am every Tuesday and Friday.
circuit sessions
Our group circuit sessions suit all fitness levels because the coach running the session can show you how to adapt exercises to your current level of fitness and/or injury. This means you can work as hard or gently as you need.
Set up in a “circuit” style class; you spend time at a station and when the timer goes you move to the next one (super simple as all you need to do is follow the person ahead of you!).
Classes are refreshed each fortnight for variety to keep things interesting and challenging to the body.
$10 class for members buy 9 get one free $90.
$15 for visitors or buy 9 get one free $135.
Monday and Wednesday 9am - 9.45am
Infrared Sauna
Relax and Recover
Core Value Fitness boasts an infrared sauna that is available to hire by gym members and non-members.
Saunas have come a long way since the days of hot rocks and steam. Now a sauna is an experience everyone can enjoy. Whether you like it hot or prefer gentle warmth, our sauna will have you covered.